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8 Roller Shutter Myths Busted: The Ultimate Guide



Fully Debunking Roller Shutter Myths Right Here and Right Now

Have you always wrong believed Roller Shutters were this or that??

Have you always wrongly believed Roller Shutters were this or that for no reason?? 

Have you always wrongly believed Roller Shutters were this or that for no reason besides your own knowledge??

>>>This guide is written by the expert at Roller Shutter People>>>

Then read on as we 100% firmly debunk 8 Roller Shutter Myths in this Ultimate Guide…

Or Please Jump Forward and Debunk Any of The 8 Roller Shutter Myths Right Now

1.  Roller Shutters are Expensive to Buy

2.  Roller Shutters Do Not Add Value to a Home

3.  Roller Shutters Do Not Improve Security

4.  Roller Shutters are Plain, Boring and an
Eyesore to Look at

5.  Roller Shutters are Hard to Operate

6.  Roller Shutters Require a Lot of Maintenance
and Repairs

7.  Roller Shutters are Not the Best Alternative

8.  Roller Shutters are for Businesses and Not for Homes

Myth 1:  Roller Shutters are Expensive to Buy


Roller Shutters are Far More Affordable than You Think

Have you always been too scared to inquire about roller shutters because of a hefty price tag you associate with roller shutters ingrained deep within your brain??

As per Cost Guide 2019 you can expect roller shutters to be priced between $300 – $1,000.

The total price you will pay will be totally dependent on the size of the roller shutter, quality of the roller shutter and whether you choose to go down the DIY route with your roller shutter/s.

When you factor in the above cost with all the roller shutters benefits (mentioned here in our Ultimate Guide – page coming soon) we will put serious money on you coming to the same conclusion as us – roller shutters are not that expensive after all and well worth it!

Roller shutters (like the premium quality one’s we sell) are 100% guaranteed to secure your home, 100% guaranteed to style your home and 100% guaranteed to stand the test of time.

So, after reading all of this are you starting to come around to our way of thinking now on how affordable roller shutters actually are when you focus firmly 100% on the big picture?  Or do you still need some serious persuading??

Next Up (and if you still need some persuading): Let’s talk property value and adding serious value to it…because that’s precisely what roller shutters will do to your home!

Myth 2:  Roller Shutters Do Not Add Value to a Home


Roller Shutters Add on Serious Value to Any Home

Are you mistaken in the
belief that roller shutters merely protect your home from the sun and stop you
from wearing sunglasses inside??

Well how about adding on
to that:

  • Decreased overall energy consumption within your home
  • Increased curb appeal of your home
  • Increased security of your home
  • Enhanced privacy and light control within your home
  • Increased peace and quiet within your home
  • Increased versatility of your home
  • Increase climate control within your home
  • Bushfire protection of your home

Note:  We will not (for brevity purposes within this blog post) be elaborating on these points – but you can read more about All The Roller Shutter Benefits: in Our Ultimate Guide right here (page coming soon).

Now after reading (and digesting) the above 8 bullet points and (potentially) reading All The Roller Shutter Benefits in our Ultimate Guide (page coming soon) do you not see the potential serious value that could be added to your very own home by installing roller shutters today?

Today’s home buyers totally sweat the small stuff and are ultimately savvy property buyers – therefore they will seriously value:

  • Security
  • Peace and Quiet, and
  • Environmentally Conscious homes (also known as an Ecohouse)

From the very biggest
picture when they are eyeballing properties like yours with roller shutters
installed throughout (ideally).

Now, after reading these first 2 myths (and us
debunking them) are you starting to see now that roller shutters are actually
affordable and do add on serious property value?  Let’s not stop at 2 roller shutter myths
though because…

Next Up: Let’s talk security because 100% roller shutters do provide plenty of it!

Myth 3:  Roller Shutters Do Not Improve Security


Roller Shutter Security is All About a Visual, Mental and Physical Presence that Deters Intruders

Of the belief that a roller
shutter is no visual, mental or physical deterrent to a burglar, thief or any
type of intruder??

Well time to think well and think again…

Because roller shutters (like ours) are made from super-strong and super-durable aluminium metal!

In Plain English: this makes them not only a visual / mental deterrent
but also an extremely strong physical deterrent – to prevent any type of person
gaining unauthorised access to your valuable property and prized possessions

If any type of intruder
tries to gain access to your property (with roller shutters installed) then
they will be met with a 100% super-strong-aluminium-metal fortress. 

And if the super-strong
aluminium-metal “look” is not enough of a deterrent then the intruder will be
left wondering (for days, weeks, months and even years to come) if in fact
there is any way at all to penetrate the security that a roller shutter
provides a home owner!

Whilst the number of burglaries Australia wide is at a 9 year low as Budget Direct points out:

  • In
    2017 there were 225,900 recorded burglaries in Australia (one every 3 minutes)
  • 20.3%
    of Australian homes have been burgled at some point
  • It
    Only takes 75% of burglars less than 5 minutes to enter a property

You can read more Home Burglary in Australia Statistics (for 2019) right here.

That’s 3 roller shutter myths down now and 5 to
go.  We have talked affordability, value
and security but… 

Next Up: Let’s get totally “visual” and discuss all the reasons why roller shutters are 100% definitely not plain, boring and an eyesore to look at!

Myth 4:  Roller Shutters are Plain, Boring and an Eyesore to Look At


With Technology, Design, Infrastructure and Innovation Roller Shutters Have Come a Long Way

you always firmly held the belief that all roller shutters are just visually
boring, bland and even a serious eyesore to look at??

Stop, Wait and Think: and please kindly check out our extensive Roller Shutter Gallery (page coming soon) before we even begin debunking this myth!

We have come a very long way since 1st Century AD (the earliest recording of the automatic door) and the 1970’s (when the roller shutter was first put to the uses we now associate it with) – and if you are interested you can read a brief history of roller shutters here.

Forward to 2019:
with improved technology, infrastructure, design and innovation we obviously
have a much greater and diverse range of colours, styles and textures to not
only suit: but ultimately appeal to modern day living.

for Proof Again?

Check out our extensive Roller Shutter Gallery (page coming soon).

Yes, Yes and Yes: We totally agree with you! In days gone past (and long gone thankfully) all roller shutters did used to be a dull, dreary, plain, boring and mundane colour (see example images here).

But thankfully (although we still have fond memories of the past!) those dull, dreary, plain, boring and mundane roller shutters colours, styles and textures are long behind us!

Looking for Proof Again?

To Date: We have talked affordability, value, security and
got you past the roller shutter plain, boring and bland mundane look!

Next Up: It’s 2019 not 1919!  Let’s talk about why operating roller shutters is certainly not hard and much more like a walk in the park or taking candy from a baby!

Myth 5:  Roller Shutters are Hard to Operate


Roller Shutters Can be Operated Conveniently with the Push of a Button

Always held the belief that roller shutters will be
a real pain (in the you know what) to operate??

The Best News:

Roller shutters come in electric (view our electric page here – page coming soon) and manual (view our manual page here – page coming soon) forms for your convenience and to suit your budget.

Choose electric (fitted with a small motor) and with the push of a button you will be able to open and close your roller shutter – and this is no matter where you are located in your property!

Choose manual and you will be able to open and close
the roller shutter yourself – using a mechanism such as a winder.  Manual roller shutters (while less convenient)
are very popular due to their cost effectiveness compared to electric roller

Interested in Learning
More About the Different Between Electric and Manual Roller Shutters?

Sure! Click here to read more.

Roller Shutters are Designed
to Operate 24/7 Year after Year

Roller shutters are uniquely and innovatively
designed to function 24/7 year after year after year!

Roller shutters work by rolling (hence the name “roller”)
up and down through tracks – and these tracks are also known as “guide

Be sure to check out our Animated Shutter page (page coming soon) for a quick visual of how roller shutters work.

To Date: We have talked affordability, value, security,
got you past the roller shutter plain / boring / bland / mundane look and now
told you (and clearly) that operating roller shutters is not hard and in fact
super-duper easy!

Next Up: Let’s talk roller shutter repairs and maintenance. And this is definitely one of the biggest (and often scariest to some) roller shutter myths out there: be prepared to get this myth debunked is all we can say!

Myth 6:  Roller Shutters Require a Lot of Maintenance and Repairs


Routine Maintenance is the Key to Roller Shutters Operating 24/7 365 Days of the Year

you always been scared to death of maintenance and repair issues with roller
shutters? We urge you to read this (carefully) and think again!!

We mentioned this in
Myth 3 (Roller Shutters Do Not Improve Security) but will firmly /
categorically / adamantly mention it again
: roller shutters are made from super-strong and super-durable
aluminium metal that is totally designed to stand the test of time!

That is the test of time
in terms of weather…

That is the test of time
in terms of durability…

That is the test of time in terms of a long life…

And What Does This Mean in Plain English to You?


Less repairs and maintenance for years, years and years to come with your roller shutter/s.


That does not mean to say that you will never even encounter any type of problem though with a roller shutter but…

The total key is maintenance!

Routine maintenance (of
your shutter/s) is a proactive approach to finding any issues before they
become problematic.

The best news is that Roller Shutter People can help you with regular routine maintenance of your roller shutter/s – feel free to contact us to learn more.

Looking to Do Roller Shutter Maintenance Yourself??

Be sure to check out our roller shutter maintenance guide (page coming soon) for all the maintenance tips you need from a to z!

Need to Know Common
Roller Shutter Problems?

Check out our common roller shutters problems page (page coming soon).

To Date: We have talked affordability, value, security,
got you past the roller shutter plain / boring / bland / mundane look, told you
(and clearly) that operating roller shutters is not that hard and that roller
shutters definitely do not require a lot of maintenance and repairs!

Next Up: Let’s talk about why roller shutters are definitely one of the best alternatives (and hands down) in the market!

Myth 7:  Roller Shutters Are Not the Best Alternative


Roller Shutters are a Wonderful All-in-One-Solution

you always firmly held the belief that there are much better options in the
marketplace than roller shutters? Like drapes, venetians or verticals for


are you looking for an all-in-one-solution (like roller shutters) or are you looking
to combine several options?


have completed your plans; chosen your builder and you are fully ready to go!

what alternative is best to cover your windows and secure your home??

Old Way:
go out into the marketplace and get endless (and we mean endless truly) quotes
for drapes, venetians, verticals, air conditioning systems, alarms, awnings –
all according to the size and colour of these…


The New Way: you work with a roller shutter supplier (like us) and cover your windows and secure your home with clean, sharp and stylish energy saving window roller shutters.  

does that sound to you?

the Best News:
only will you end up getting far less quotes, but you will likely end up paying
slightly less for the exact same solution!

And that solution is roller shutters with all the wonderful benefits listed here (page coming soon).

Believe Us?

Then please contact us today to (totally) pick our brains on why we believe roller shutters is the best all-in-one-solution for you and your property!

To Date:

  • We
    have talked affordability, value and security
  • Got
    you past the roller shutter plain / boring / bland / mundane look
  • Told
    you (and clearly) that operating roller shutters is not that hard
  • Told
    you that roller shutters definitely do not require a lot of maintenance and repairs,
  • Discussed
    why roller shutters are one of the best alternatives!

Next Up (and Finally!): Let’s talk about why roller shutters are for homes (as well) and not just businesses!

Myth 8:  Roller Shutters Are for Businesses and Not for Homes


Roller Shutters Provide Endless Benefits to Both Home Owners and Business Owners

Have you been of the belief that roller shutters are
actually only used by business owners and not home owners??

Well you’d be dead wrong for thinking so!

This myth is certainly not top of our list (hence here it sits in position 8) but you would be surprised about how many people in the community actually think…

Roller shutters are only for businesses and not home

Let’s Set the Record Straight
and Once and for All:

Roller shutters come in a vast range of styles, patterns
and colours – this is to ensure they can add value to not only business /
commercial premises but to everyday homes as well!

Security (the number 1 benefit of roller shutters)
is sometimes associated with being “exclusively” a business owner need – when in
fact it is a critical need for home owners as well.

Just check out all the benefits of roller shutters here (page coming soon) and then report back to us as to whether or not you believe roller shutters could be beneficial to your very own home!

Also be sure to check out our Gallery (as visual proof – page coming soon) of many home owners we have successfully installed roller shutters for.

just remember that if roller shutters were actually only used by business
owners then that would defy market share statistics and logic – in Plain English
the many satisfied home owners that have bought roller shutters from us!

OK that concludes our 8 Roller Shutters Myths Busted (The Ultimate Guide)…

Now let’s quickly wrap this blog post (long one as ultimate guide) up!!


Myth 1:  Roller Shutters are Expensive to Buy

Myth 1 Debunked:  Roller
Shutters are Affordable (NOT Expensive) to Buy

Myth 2:  Roller Shutters Do Not Add Value to a Home

Myth 2 Debunked:  Roller
Shutters ADD SERIOUS VALUE to Your Home

Myth 3:  Roller Shutters Do Not Improve Security

Myth 3 Debunked:  Roller

Myth 4:  Roller Shutters are Plain, Boring and an
Eyesore to Look at

Myth 4 Debunked:  Roller Shutters come in a Wide Range of Styles, Textures and Colours and are 100% VISUALLY APPEALING to Look At

Myth 5:  Roller Shutters are Hard to Operate

Myth 5 Debunked:  Roller
Shutters are EASY (not hard) to Operate

Myth 6:  Roller Shutters Require a Lot of
Maintenance and Repairs

Myth 6 Debunked:  Roller
Shutters DO NOT Require a Lot of Maintenance and Repairs

Myth 7:  Roller Shutters are Not the Best Alternative

Myth 7 Debunked:  Roller
Shutters ARE GENERALLY the Best Alternative

Myth 8:  Roller Shutters are for Businesses and Not for

Myth 8 Debunked:  Roller Shutters are FOR HOMES and not just Businesses.

You Need the Best Roller Shutters


Roller Shutter People are Here to Help You and Gladly!

Looking to Buy Roller Shutters that are Premium Quality??

Looking to Buy Roller Shutters that are the Lowest Prices??

Looking to Buy Roller Shutters that have the Longest Warranty??

Click Here to Read More on our highest quality, highest durability, highest functionality, lowest prices, longest warranty Roller Shutters Right Now!

To Your Property’s Success!
Roller Shutter People ~ We Roll for You ~

Location: St Marys NSW 2760 

Phone: 0424 607 797